Senate Briefs

Bob Robinson: Redefining “Fashionably Late” since 2011    

This week’s Senate meeting set a Guinness World Record (source not found) for shortest ASPC meeting in the last 100 years, largely due to the absence of Director of Campus Services Bob Robinson. ASPC President Nate Brown mentioned at the beginning of the meeting that Robinson might be stopping by for more South Campus construction updates, but seeing as Robinson was not there Monday, senators can probably bet that he’ll show up by mid-April (at the latest).  

Grand Theft Auto VI: Claremont    

Director of the Smith Campus Center Chris Waugh talked briefly before the Senate about the alarmingly increasing rate of “golf cart shenanigans” that have been taking place across the 5Cs. According to multiple campus safety reports and general campus lore, many students have taken up the hobby of joy-riding Campus Safety golf carts, which has been causing serious problems. Waugh added that Campus Safety has been retooling its strategies to prevent such crimes rather than catch students in the act, but this only made senators question how Campus Safety has not been able to prevent golf cart theft in the past. South Campus Representative Nick Lawson even went as far as to ask how students were able to steal golf carts (e.g., preferred methods, hot-wiring tips, getaway strategies, etc.) but his eagerness rather disturbed Waugh, who did not provide a direct answer. With that said, Campus Safety reminds all students that golf carts are licensed vehicles and there are serious implications for commandeering them illegally. 

Laughter is the Best Medicine    

OK, in all seriousness it probably won’t cure tuberculosis, but laughing sure is nice. On a totally unrelated note, the senate briefs are now on Twitter!  Follow @NotASPCSenate for serious, accurate and completely factual reports on the inner workings of Pomona’s student government (and the occasional lolcat).  

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