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Senate Briefs 9/26/11

Wait, We Need Jobs?

This week’s ASPC Senate meeting began with a discussion between senators and the new Director of the Career Development Office (CDO) Mary Raymond. Raymond visited the Senate to introduce herself and to ask senators for suggestions on ways to improve the CDO. Key points of discussion included reaching out to first years on a larger scale to get them involved in the CDO and providing workshops for all students to give their résumés an edge. Debate arose, however, over how Pomona College can remain a genuine liberal arts school while also helping students become more career oriented. The discussion raised so many interesting questions, in fact, that in the spirit of true liberal arts values Pomona has decided to offer “Career Studies” as a major starting next semester. Requirements will include three courses in Panicking, two semesters of Denial, and at least one introductory level course in Unemploymentology.


After reviewing voting statistics from last week’s election, Elections Commissioner Aerienne Russell PO ’12 noted that polling inside of Frank and Frary dining halls did not appear to be particularly effective since the majority of students seemed to have voted elsewhere. “Rather than have tables, people would get the same kind of reminder from a poster by the door,” the Elections Commissioner said. Always good narcissists, many senators disagreed with the commissioner, arguing that having senators harass students from tables as they enter and exit the dining halls is vital to democracy. President Nate Brown PO ’12 added that to get students to vote, “You should heckle them.” It seems, however, that someone should heckle the President, seeing as he was the last one to cast a ballot (“I didn’t forget I swear!”).

You’ve Probably Never Heard of Them…

Next, the senators indulged themselves with their favorite item of discussion this year: campaign regulations. The issue arose after candidates put up posters on the walls outside of dining halls, which some senators argued could give them an advantage if students see the posters immediately prior to placing their votes in the dining halls. Senate eventually passed a motion to ban posters from the exterior of dining halls, but it took some exhaustive debating to come to an agreement. As ASPC has already moved to “flyer-less” campaigns, this humble TSL reporter would argue that Senate should ban posters all together along with any form of communication or advertisement. Candidates who pursue the so-called “Hipster Campaign” strategy (by publicizing so scarcely that the candidate achieves politically hip “underground” status) would therefore have no unfair advantage other than coming up with the idea before it sells out and gets too “mnstrm.” I’m looking at you, Ari Filip.

New Kids on the Block

Also at this week’s meeting, Senate welcomed its newest members: Freshman Class President Rishi Sangani PO ’15, Sophomore Class President Frances Kyl PO ’14, South Campus Representative Nick Lawson PO ’14, and North Campus Representative Anna Gibson PO ’12. All newcomers seemed ready to jump right into the mix and get down to business, except perhaps Mr. Lawson, whose unyielding allegiance to TSL over ASPC clearly showed in his pained facial expressions. Still, after nearly 28 minutes of introductions, all of the new senators looked ready to jump across the table, grab Nate’s gavel and pound some efficiency into the proceedings.

-Wes Haas

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